Umbraco Cloud - A hosting service with benefits for your website

Umbraco Cloud is a cloud-based hosting service that provides everything their clients need for secure hosting. There are several reasons why we at Webmind recommend Umbraco Cloud to our clients, let's explain why. 


Why choose Umbraco Cloud as your hosting service? 

Umbraco Cloud offers many benefits, here are a few that we believe will benefit your Umbraco site: 

    1. Automatic Updates 
      With Umbraco Cloud, you don't have to worry about manual upgrades within the minor version your Umbraco site is on. The platform handles automatic minor upgrades, which means your website is always up-to-date with the latest features and security measures. In addition to saving the cost of upgrading, you also ensure that your website has the latest protections against potential threats. 

    2. Scalability and Performance 
      Umbraco Cloud is built on Microsoft Azure, which guarantees a robust and scalable infrastructure. Whether your website experiences a sudden surge in traffic or grows gradually over time, Umbraco Cloud can handle it seamlessly by offering multiple hosting levels. This means that your website will always perform at its best, providing a great user experience for your visitors. 

    3. Built-in Version Control and Streamlined Deployment Flows 
      Through integration with Git, Umbraco Cloud offers powerful version control that makes it easy to manage and synchronize changes to the codebase. One of the most impressive features of Umbraco Cloud is its deployment flows, which are designed to make website updates development, testing, and deployment as smooth and efficient as possible. Deployment flows in Umbraco Cloud are automated processes that handle the transfer of code, content, and configuration changes between different environments, such as development, testing, and production. 

    4. Support and Security 
      With Umbraco Cloud, you get access to Umbraco's own support. This advantage allows your partner to work closely together with Umbraco’s support team to locate and fix any problems quickly and efficiently, which provides peace of mind for you as a client.

Make Umbraco Cloud your first choice 

Choosing a secure hosting service is critical to the success of your website. We strongly recommend using Umbraco Cloud as your hosting service, especially if you are already using Umbraco as your CMS. 

For more information about Umbraco Cloud and how it can benefit your business, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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